QUANTA Energetics

We will start our Creators of New Earth Activation Journey in October, 2023, for one year. You can join at any time and listen to recordings of previous sessions.


We warmly welcome you on this life-changing Activation Journey for Creators of New Earth. Thank you for your interest and intention to become transformational Leader in community, bringing important changes to the world, in a circle of supportive visionaries, conscious leaders, alchemists, Earth guardians and protectors, Light Council, and Galactic Confederation.

We’ve shared it all 😊 this powerful knowledge is available at any moment to humans, however, many were programmed and conditioned from childhood to disconnect from Abundance, simple truth and wisdom available from within.

What we’ve prepared for those hearing the Heart Call of the Earth is an integrative all-year programme of transformation with teachings delivered online by alchemists, spiritual masters, conscious leaders, and scientists, plus special invitation to retreats-journeys into the places of power, for raising your frequency and practicing holding space for healing for the planet and humanity. Think transmission points like Egypt, Bali, Mexico, China, Thailand, and Peru. Just tune in and receive.

This is the course not only to empower you, but also to connect with community of Creators – Light Leaders, together recreating the network, the energy grid, and reactivating other Creators and New Earth, remembering the planet and humanity with consciousness on another natural frequency.

Do expect miracles 😉

Photo is from Rainbow Family Gathering, Montana


We believe that in order to truly become a Creator of New Earth, Light Warrior and Peacekeeper you need sincere dedication, regular practice, and multiple tools of transformation of body, mind, and spirit.

You also want to be fully rooted on your path as a healer and a conscious leader, and ready to speak from your heart on both scientific and spiritual languages (and merge various perspectives) to embrace the multi-dimensionality of this world.

That’s why we designed this course to touch upon many disciplines, as well as deepen your knowledge in a natural spiral way of studying, from Foundations to more advanced Alchemical and Genuine Leadership topics.

Take a look at Programme Steps below… The Activation Journey for Creators of New Earth starts from:

STEP 1. QUANTA FOUNDATIONS Abundance, Inner Power & Peace

We will start the journey from understanding, what it means to be Human, what are QUANTA, bio-field, energy anatomy, and why it’s possible to upgrade and empower DNA, why Frequency Medicine is the Future, and how it’s possible to transform any space with the power of your Will.

To declutter informational field of our DNA from unnecessary programmes and upgrade DNA naturally, we do need to go through studying our Nature, both inside and outside, raising frequency naturally with tools available to our being at any moment. We will immerse into simple yet powerful techniques for aligning Body, Mind, and Spirit, reconnecting to Infinite Energy, Power and Peace within, and learn how to manifest Abundance.

We will combine science and spiritual sources in deep dive into Breath, Meditation, preparing foundations for you to teach these topics to others after programme completion.

We will look into 5 Elements, Sacred Geometry and Inner Poetry of seeing true nature and Earth, touching upon the evolution of philosophy and works of Goethe, Whitehead, Steiner, and other visionaries. Here you will also have time for playful expression of your Inner Poetry through the Voice of your Heart.

The topics we will cover in this module:

  • QUANTA Energetics Foundations (info- & bio-field, energy anatomy)
  • HUMAN: Embracing the power within DNA (+DNA upgrade)
  • QUANTA Frequency Medicine of the Future
  • BREATH (ancient Yogic & Daoist practices)                
  • MEDITATION (various Samatha & Vipassana practices)                             
  • Transformation of Consciousness by Power of Will
  • DAO Inner Smile, 5 Elements & 5 Organs. Transformation of Conflict Cycle into Creative Cycle
  • EMPOWERING VOICE: Hearing & Speaking with VOICE OF THE HEART                                                                                          
  • POWER of KNOWING: SACRED GEOMETRY               
  • SEEING TRUE NATURE & EARTH                                  
  • QUANTA Energetics for transforming any space  
  • QUANTA Energetics for manifesting Abundance
  • QUANTA Bio-Hacking foundations                                                             

After completion of this module you will develop well-rooted personal practice of QUANTA Energetics, combining Breath, Meditation, and Visualization techniques for living in a state of natural High Energy, Abundance, Inner peace and Power. You will transform inner Conflict Cycle into Creative Cycle, learning how to alchemize the elements, and experience powerful Body and Mind Transformation, which will open new perspectives on resolving life challenges and new pathways for living life in harmony.

You will learn the Foundations of QUANTA Breath and QUANTA Meditation to be able to facilitate and share these techniques with community after completion of full training.

Your Guides on this journey will be Lola Lhamo, Daoist and Sufi master Akmal El Tobgy, Vipassana teacher Abbot Ajahn Phra Puttar, and scientist and alchemist Thomas J Brown. See full bios below…


After we’ve learned and practiced Foundations of QUANTA Energetics and know what is our Inner Universe, Body, Mind, and Spirit, as well as understand our interconnectedness and relations to Earth and nature, we’ll move into expanding beyond our being to connect with the Universe outside and into Galactic travelling, if you wish to go there, of course 😊

Here we will dive into the language of the Universe and practices of channelling healing Energy, QI for ourselves and others – QUANTA Reiki and DAO Cosmic Healing. We will also learn Etheric Hygiene, which is vital, if we would like to expand beyond the Body and travel various astral worlds, as well as to channel healing energies for the Earth and humanity.

We will experience how our thoughts reflect our energy state (low, neutral, high), and how to shift to state of Divine Mind and high energy, connecting to Higher Self. You will learn essential practices of Dao Cosmic Healing for purification, energizing, and protection.

We will also have an interesting journey to meet our Galactic family, Galactic Confederation and the Light Council, and you will be able to hear the voice of the Earth, channel the messages from your guides, as well as understand what are Akashic records and how to access them. We will also have time for you to channel soul arts, in the form of writing, drawing or dance.

  • QUANTA REIKI  (L1, L2 with distant healing)                                                             
  • ETHERIC HYGIENE                                                         
  • DIVINE MIND, CROWNED by SKIES                              
  • DAO COSMIC HEALING                                         
  • AKASHIC RECORDS & SOUL MISSION                   
  • GALACTIC FAMILY, Galactic Confederation, Light Council, Earth
  • NEW EARTH Tech                                                            
  • SOUL DANCE (channelling soul art)

After completion of this module, you will be able to share QUANTA Reiki with community. You will also have the skills to expand your consciousness to become one with Higher Self, communicate with Galactic family and receive wisdom of Akashic records, which you may express through Soul Arts. You will also learn one of most powerful practices Dao Cosmic Healing.


As we are rooted on Earth and crowned by the Skies, we realize the power which lies within Human and DNA. How to integrate immense infinite knowledge into daily Practice and life in community, how to navigate through time and dimensions, how to start envisioning and co-creating New Earth? We need to learn Bio-Hacking – how to work with informational field within and without, weaving the reality, practicing effective methods for daily self-discipline and self-coaching on this Activation Journey. We need to learn how to navigate through dimensions of our own being, from dreaming to manifestation into reality. During this module each one will write Creative Plan of Actions.

  • iCREATE Coaching
  • QUANTA Bio-Hacking

After completion of this module you will have a Creative Plan of Actions, determining which activities your soul would like to pursuit as a Creator of New Earth. You will also learn the structure and the flow of iCREATE Coaching, able to offer coaching to yourself and others, when needed.


As we have the Creative Plan of Actions ready, we need to Act and implement plans into reality.


After completion of this module you will have skills of navigation through complexities of reality, facilitating change in community. You will also be offered to co-create CREATORS Support Circle and Network in your community, offering many transformational tools to others, inspiring change.


What does it mean to be a Creator of New Earth? What are the Ethic Principles of co-creating and living together as one community? How to lead organically, acting from Higher Purpose? How to hold space and facilitate transformational circles for others?


On completion of this programme you will become important part of the network of Creators of New Earth – like-minded Light Workers, leading and inspiring the Change. You will receive transformative knowledge and learn to bring high frequency and harmony into community.

If you wish so, after completion of all modules, we may provide Certification for you being the Facilitator in QUANTA Energetics, QUANTA Breathwork, Meditation, Reiki, and iCREATE Coaching.

We warmly welcome you on this beautiful journey, thank you for your interest and intention to activate your power in being the Creator of New Earth.

After completion of this unique QUANTA ENERGETICS Teacher Training course (222h), which integrates the wisdom of many spiritual and scientific disciplines, you will obtain the skills and knowledge to practice (and will be certified which is important in our community) as:

    • QUANTA Reiki practitioner (Levels 1-2)

    • QUANTA DAO Cosmic Healing & Qi Gong

    • QUANTA Breath facilitator

    • QUANTA Meditation facilitator
    • QUANTA Guide in Akashic Records

    • QUANTA Spiritual Coach – able to guide your clients on basis of innovative iCREATE coaching technique, facilitated for over 20 years for individual & corporate transformation journeys

    • QUANTA Bio-Resonance Technology Ambassador – integrating spirituality and science

The techniques and practices, which Lola Lhamo and other members of the team share in this course, come from various ancient traditions, and are easy to learn and integrate into your daily life and your offerings to others.


Foreword from Lola Lhamo:

“Since childhood I’ve been always fascinated by the Art of Energy Healing. Life brought me an incredible journey of discovering Universal Energy from different perspectives, at first as a direct experience of hands-on healing as a kid, then in martial arts from the Daoist perspective while learning Kung Fu and Qi Gong, then through the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and Vedic tradition, Buddhist Mind Yoga, works of Dr Mikao Usui formulated as Reiki, and finally Javanese spiritual tradition of Universe Healing. It took me many years to fully grasp the expanse of this knowledge passed on to us through generations by the masters of various schools and philosophies of life, and systematize it in an easy-to-learn method for practice of energy healing in today’s world.

For me the healing work is intimately connected with the transformation of the mind and the heart – the success of healing work is in fact in shifting our consciousness to higher universal vibration, in other words, the healing occurs sometimes miraculously when such shift happens. I like to compare this process with drinking pure spring water after long period of being thirsty.

When the mind is purified, the heart opens up naturally, and the spirit is “lifted” – this is the moment the body is receiving universal healing instantaneously and in abundance. In surrendering to this infinite life-force we experience the state of bliss and harmony – the nourishment for our cells. This natural “coming back to the source” is what heals us.

I had a challenging journey also working in Strategy Consultancy for leading multinational companies, based in London City, for over 20 years, and facilitated transformational change programmes in the corporate sector, also initiating creation of Departments of Corporate Social Responsibility in international companies. Having strong foundations in spiritual practices, I was coaching individuals and teams in their personal and career path, with focus on activation of their creative power. Having observed from inside the corporate segment low level of ethics towards the planet and community, and rather weak integrity of some leaders, I was guided and driven to develop this programme, which I believe will help to reconnect to natural pure vision, power, and peace of being the Co-Creator of New Earth and will assist to the shift in personal, community, and corporate practices globally.”

222h QUANTA ENERGETICS Teacher Training

The course you are about to immerse in is called QUANTA Energetics, Activation Journey for Creators of New Earth. Here we will go beyond traditional Reiki, Bio-Energy, Healing, Coaching and Leadership programme, diving into the ocean of wisdom within ourselves.

In addition to classic Reiki Levels 1-2 training, we will explore:

    • QUANTA DAO Cosmic Healing & Qi Gong – ancient practices for Infinite Energy, Purification and Protection, Meditation in Movement, learning also forms/practice for harmonizing 5 Elements and each energy meridian to keep body organs and systems healthy

    • QUANTA Breath: how to use the Breath for self-healing and charge the cells with Qi, what is Microcosmic orbit and why it’s important. We will look into key Yogic and Daoist Breath practices of the Masters, and science beyond.

    • QUANTA Meditation: learn Meditation practices of Samatha and Vipassana, and reprogram the patterns of thinking and believes, which hinder our healing and personal growth, obtain the skills of channelling the Universal Force for healing ourselves and others with intention, Light and Colour therapy, and sacred symbols. We will look into our DNA Cellular Intelligence as a living energetic matter and expand to understand inter-connectedness of everything with everything, and how we create our life and impact consciousness transformation on the planet as a whole, to fully embrace the power encoded within a human being.

    • QUANTA Technology: integrating science and spiritual practices. What is Bio-Resonance, Light & Frequency Healing. Why it’s important to protect from EMF, WiFi, 5G, and how to do it with technological advancements. Training in QUANTA Technology
    • iCREATE Spiritual Coaching: we will also learn spiritual coaching techniques to lead ourselves through the process of transformation, and obtain the skills to be able to guide others to fulfil their aspirations and dreams.

QUANTA Energetics is a holistic programme of vast personal transformation, where the elements from various spiritual traditions and sciences are brought together.

We live in times where rapid personal spiritual growth is possible and is truly necessary if we want to transform the society. Such changes come as a result of our personal work, in developing inner strength and integrity, and in respect towards the planet and other beings. Life can be full of joy in every moment.

What will I obtain from learning?

    • Become the one offering transformative practices of QUANTA Energetics to community
    • Become certified QUANTA Reiki Energy Healer (Reiki with empowerment of Levels 1-2 is transmitted)

    • Become QUANTA Breath facilitator – for your personal practice as well as teaching other people simple yet powerful breathing techniques from Yogic and Taoist traditions, and integrated Quanta Breath sequence for daily practice.

    • Become QUANTA Meditation practitioner – for your personal transformation, and helping others to root into their natural state of being and inner power.

    • Become QUANTA Spiritual Coach – integrating into your work QUANTA Energetics, Reiki and Spiritual Coaching helping people on multiple dimensions – spiritual and practical, unique offering for your circle.

    • Become certified QUANTA Tech Ambassador – able to integrate Technology into healing practice
    • Able to facilitate transformative circles for community, driving change in the world, inspiring more Creators of New Earth
    • Become part of Creators of New Earth Manifestation Circle

This course is accredited by International Association of Therapists (www.iaoth.com)

YOUR GUIDES on this journey

The course is initiated by Lola Lhamo – energy healer, Yoga and Qi Gong Teacher, the founder of QUANTA Bio-Energy Centre, Sound Energy Medicine Practitioners Association , and QUANTA Energetics.

Lola has deep connections with Tibetan Buddhism, Daoism, and Yoga from childhood. She helped in building Buddhist Stupa of Enlightenment at Roerich Museum, travelled to India and Nepal to places of power with Tibetan lamas, participated at Congress on Psychology and Spirituality in India. Lola has learned the techniques of working with energy from Tibetan lamas (Nyingma tradition) and also by practicing with other masters of Yoga, Qi Gong, Nada Yoga, and Energy Healing.

Lola also worked in international strategy and transformational change consultancy for over 20 years, initiated the movement of creation of Departments of Corporate Social Responsibility within corporate segment.

QUANTA Energetics for Creators of New Earth

After completion of this programme and submitting your assignments you will be fully certified to share Quanta Energetics with others.

You will also become part of our QUANTA Energetics community and Creators of New Earth Manifestation Circle, uniting people from around the world sharing healing energy with the planet and all beings.

How to prepare for the Course?

Few recommendations to prepare for this course and Reiki attunement:

    • 1-3 Days Detox is recommended, however not obligatory

    • Choose Meditation over watching TV 🙂

    • Practice Self-awareness – observe your emotions and reactions

    • No alcohol – it dulls the mind

    • No tobacco – this is the chance to try and quit

    • Avoid high protein food – high protein food requires more digestion and uses energy

    • Eat fruit, vegetables and drink water – easy to digest and healthy

    • Avoid caffeinated drinks – causes the mind to be over-active

Attunement is what makes Reiki unique from other forms of healing touch and energy work. This ceremony, called Reiju (Ray-joo) in Japanese, is performed by Reiki master during each level of initiation, aimed for opening and expanding main energy channels of the student’s body, allowing Universal Energy, also known as Qi/Chi/Ki, to flow more freely and deeply through them. This process may clear blockages in the body and lead to significant energy changes within the individual. Many may undergo an intense period of self-growth following their attunements.

Attunements can be extremely powerful in themselves, offering immediate balance and healing to the student.  A typical attunement is carried out with a student being seated and relaxed.  The Reiki Master will then place the sacred Reiki symbols into the student’s aura, chakras (energy centres) and hands.  The energy now moves through the student, from the crown chakra (at the top of the head) and through internal energy channels, also activating energy reservoirs in student’s hands, where healing can be given and received.  This energy also elevates the student’s vibration to a higher level.  Each student will have a different experience when receiving an attunement and always a positive one.  In general, most students experience a feeling of total peace when receiving an attunement.

During the course you will receive several Attunements.

REVIEWS from previous courses

“This course is “amazing” because Lola is an amazing teacher with an amazing soul. Exceptionally rare to find. 
I received many different  tools , that allowed me to  really dig deep into what it means to  “live” fully.   She guides everyone  to  explore  what we are supposed to do as an individual  and  us as living animals on this planet , together  with… the Universe! 
She goes into detailed explanation about energy, frequency, breathing and so much more!! And will guide you into beautiful deep meditation, which helps us to transform. 
We say,  we are part of Universe and she will make sure that , you will REALLY feel that.  
And within that experience,   she will  teach you how to  touch  freedom. Once  you touched this,   you really are free to do what you believe in,  and  manifest to  do something good  to the Universe. 

The whole  experience with Lola,  is  a true  life gift. She kindly  handed  the seed  to plant  in my heart,  and now it is my turn to bloom it back. 
Thank you with all my heart”❤

Nao Watanabe (Tokyo, Japan)

“Thank you Thank you Thank you, for creating this safe online space for us, generously sharing all your beautiful teachings and awakening my souls secrets.
Your ocean of knowledge showered us like a waterfall, gifts in huge abundance kept appearing, and always delivered with love.
I have grown enormously with your support and spiritual coaching and I look forward to welcoming you into my healing nest too…
Forever grateful.”

Vaso Louca (London, UK)

“Lola is amazing and her courses exceptional. She is travelling around the world to experience not only the wisdom transmitted by healers but also the way of life, combined with the latest scientific evidences. The quanta reiki goes beyond the traditional reiki as it links the infinite universe with our finite cell within our body. Thank you so much Lola”.

Nathalie V (France)


For booking we offer flexible payment plans due to current global situation. You may choose to purchase all at once or pay by instalments, depending on your financial capacity. We fully understand that for some of us this global situation came with many surprises however this shall not stop us from pursuing our calling and dreams.

Feel free TO BOOK Creators of New Earth Activation Journey below.

Contact Lola Lhamo for an interview Lola@Quanta.Earth or +44 7757093532

How can I join?

Please, book below. You may choose between 3 options, depending on financial situation. We tried to make it affordable for everyone:

Option 1: payment by instalments £88 per weekend (£4576 per year)

Option 2: payment of £500 each month during 9 months (£4500 per year)

Option 3: one annual payment of £4222

We will start our Creators of New Earth Activation Journey in May 20, 2023, for one year. You can join at any time and listen to recordings of previous sessions.

This course is accredited by International Association of Therapists (www.iaoth.com)


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