Medical Disclaimer

The content found on this site is for educational purposes only, and is in no way intended as medical advice, as a substitute for medical counselling, or as a treatment / cure for any disease or health condition and nor should it be construed as such.

Any Technologies offered on the website are not Medical Devices.

Always work with a qualified health professional before making any changes to your diet, prescription drug use, lifestyle or exercise activities.

This information is provided as-is, and the reader / viewer assumes all risks from the use, non-use, or misuse of this information.

Any form of self-treatment or alternative health program necessarily must involve an individual’s acceptance of some risk, and no one should assume otherwise. 

Persons needing medical care should obtain it from a medical doctor. 
Consult your doctor before making any health decision.

QUANTA Centre or its employees shall not be liable for risks or issues associated with using or acting upon the information on our website. QUANTA centre or its employees shall not be liable or responsible for the actions, misrepresentations or negligence of our members who are independent contractors.