Light Wand

“Our each client becomes Ambassador of New Earth, with QUANTA tools enhancing energy field of their own being, their home and working space, impacting the wellbeing of community and the planet as a whole. Together we create miracles”

Lola Lhamo

Light Wand is an advanced tool for healing, portable power for multidimensional impact. It has unique combination of various technologies integrated into one device:

  • Non-Invasive Coherent Low Level Pulsed Lasers (Red, Violet and Near-Infrared for deep effect)
  • Full Spectrum of Light Emitter (Photobiotic Lights for Colour Therapy)
  • Scalar Wave Emitter (for Shielding & Protection)
  • Healing Frequencies (1-40 MHz healing frequencies which can be chosen from App)
  • The Bifilar Tesla coil as an energy converter for scalar waves
  • UV-C LED sterilization

Light Wand can be used in a variety of ways as an advanced healing tool for healers, meditators, and anyone interested in achieving optimal wellness and balance.

Light Wand

For Body, Mind, and Spirit

Potent tool for healers, using laser lights, crystals, and scalar wave emitters, as well as Tesla bifilar coil

Efficiently shift, change, and balance physical and emotional body, and conscious mind by using Library of frequencies (see examples below)

DNA Repair, Cells Rejuvenation, organs balance, Chakras, Homeopathy, Vitamins, Amino Acids, Elements

For Home or Office

Ultraviolet Disinfection LED Chip

Ultraviolet-C emits at a wavelength of 265nm-285nm, which is suitable for inactivating germs and bacteria by destroying their DNA and RNA. UVC LED replicates UVC light using LED beads, which is a completely clean and energy efficient technology.

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Power of Sacred Geometry, Crystals and Light

Quartz Spheres

  • We project Healing Frequencies through Quartz Crystal spheres – Sacred Geometry Mandalas – so, frequencies and energies are amplified
  • Using a combination of Laser light, sacred geometry, and crystals, we create a “Standing Energy Field” that positively affects the environment and human energy vibrations
  • Crystal contributes to the formation of the Fractal Energy field, which allows for infinite expansion
  • Because Quartz has mandala-like molecular structure, when a laser passes through it – the light remains coherent

Light Nutrition

It’s very important, especially in the cities, to receive full spectrum of Light Nutrition, which contributes to healthy Body and Mind

Light Wand provides this with non-invasive coherent low level Lasers: Red, Near-Infrared, and Violet, as well as full spectrum LED Light – for Photobiotic Light Nutrition

Ultraviolet Disinfection UV-C LED 3532 Chip

Ultraviolet-C emits at a wavelength of 265nm-285nm, which is suitable for inactivating germs and bacteria by destroying their DNA and RNA. UV-C LED replicates UV-C light using LED beads, which is a completely clean and energy efficient technology

Scalar Energy

A bit of fascinating science:

  • Non-EM waves with the potential for unconventional wave propagation are referred to as scalar waves.
  • Any energy that can be inverted to cancel each other out at the same time – such as light, sound, or frequency – can generate a scalar equivalent.
  • Two light waves are sent back and forth at the same time, canceling each other out to form a white spot and a black spot (tiny black holes)
  • The canceling point of two waves creates a black hole-like effect capable of infinitely transferring energy and even withdrawing energy from other dimensions.
  • Scalar waves enable us to generate a standing-like energy field that transports information.

Scalar Wave Emitter

  • Scalar wave allows the information signal spread in multidimensional and infinite way
  • Scalar wave emitter creates standing energy field that carries specific light and frequency information
  • The standing field will create the positive interaction (resonance) for everyone within the environment and in the surrounding area
  • Scalar wave emitter forms a perfect shielding energy that surrounds our auric field
  • Transmits healing information to different levels of our physical and energy bodies immediately

Tesla Bifilar coil

Tesla Bifilar coil has strong impact on physical body. It has the ability to convert the energy it receives into electromagnetic field. Its second function is to connect you to higher energies, which require less mental effort.

It self-charges within the coil, producing a pulse at the maximum of each signal’s phase, transforming it into a self-boosting coil. As a result, electromagnetic field emission increases significantly. Tesla coil generates beneficial field for human body on its own and then energizes it with crystals and magnets to allow it to spread widely.

Frequency, Vibration, and Resonance

Frequency is the universal language. Everything has a frequency and vibration.

The basic forces, both positive and negative, that vibrate together – produce vibrations known as “frequency”. It creates an expanded connection to the universe by moving and vibrating all the way around. Every vibrational frequency in the universal energy network has its own representative vibrational frequency and resonance.

Frequencies Interaction

We all resonate and interact with each other, from the largest to the smallest particles; from the lowest to the highest vibrations. We interact with everything around us, including the universe

Everything vibrates at a different frequency and resonance. Interference occurs when two or more waves (frequencies) collide. It has two types based on its polarity: positive (constructive interference) and negative (destructive interference)

Photo credit: Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design, Project: Machine Learning: Auras


When experimenting with tuning forks of the same frequency; striking one will cause the one next to it to start vibrating as well.

A fundamental principle in nature in such, that where energy can move – from lower to higher state or vice versa, – it will influence the vibration to become of the same rate.

This implies that, when we go to visit others, who are not feeling well, unhappy, or sick, and we offer our presence, our good wishes can help them improve their state, because we transmit positive energy to them, which they pick up through resonance.

Void zone

These dark speckles are not simply “nothingness” areas; they contain non-Hertzian components of the interfering electromagnetic laser waves. Those “released” waves are information carriers that provide states of harmonic equilibrium & balance to the elements exposed to them

Light Wand lasers modulates interference patterns to transfer information

Crystals amplify molecules transfer

When laser light is passing through Quartz Sphere crystal mandala, it’s converted from material’s molecule to light form, transferred, and amplified by the resonance

Course Instructor

Lola Lhamo Lola Lhamo Author

Light Wand



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