Sacred Retreats

Unique Sacred Journeys to Places of Power around the planet to activate your full potential, upgrade DNA, expand the Mind, purify and balance the Body to co-create New Earth. In those retreats we offer full dive into secret spiritual practices with the best masters and alchemists, supported with new innovative bio-hacking technologies (light, frequency, bio-resonance).

You may choose Full Immersion – 4 Sacred Journeys programmes per year, spending 2 weeks in Bali, Egypt, Thailand and China* (*by invitation only) or experience each programme individually.

At the moment we offer QUANTA Leap Retreats in Europe and Sacred Journeys in Bali (more information is here) , Egypt (more information is here), China (more information is here), with Thailand upcoming in 2024.



UK, QUANTA Centre in London

Upcoming One Day QUANTUM Leap Retreat in London, held at QUANTA Centre, N22 8DH

20 November, 9am-6pm

Focused on Activation of Soul Voice to embody fully the Creator Of New Earth

This event is a collaboration and part of 2 days course held by Sound Energy Medicine Practitioners Association. If you are interested to book the whole weekend course, please, visit this link

Do we fully understand the power residing within us? Do we truly connect to and hear our Soul’s voice? Do we follow our heart? Do we have enough inner power to walk our path at every moment ?

This retreat combes mind transformation theory part about Sacred Geometry of the Universe, Human, and Sound, spiritual practices, and bio-hacking technology to harmonize and empower our soul to express its gifts in the world and become true Creator of New Earth!

True expression is what the world needs now, empower yourself and shine your light !

We will practice:

  • Qi Gong for energy purification, protection, and energy boost, understanding the power residing within our being, accessible at any moment
  • Supported with innovative QUANTA Bio-resonance, Light & Frequency technology to raise our vibration, cut energetic cords and release entities (low vibration energies) from our field
  • Sacred Voice Activation practices from Nada Yoga, & Tibetan overtone toning for purification of Energy centers
  • QUANTA coaching session (EpiEnergetics, Neuroscience) for realizing our dreams and expressing our Soul Voice in community

Retreat will take place retreat centre QUANTA Bio-Hacking & Leadership centre, N22 8DH, London

20 Nov , 9am – 6pm

Course will be taught by Lola Lhamo, founder of QUANTA Centre

You will be able to explore powerful bio-hacking light, frequency, bio-resonance technology for self-healing

Yummy healthy lunch , drinks, and snacks are included

Cost: £177 (installments possible)



9 Sacral Initiations on the Nile

Cairo, Egypt

Experience Nine Initiations on the Nile – 11 days Programme of transformation, regeneration, and ascension with support of innovative Bio-Hacking tools and ancient healing techniques for 5D Quantum Leap:

~ Travel to sacred places and receive life changing knowledge from experts in culture, philosophy, sacred geometry, and spiritual practices;

~ Enjoy the luxury of Egyptian 5-stars hotels and unforgettable boat trip along sacred Nile river;

~ Become part of Sacred Initiations and Ceremonies at each Temple, deeply connecting to ancient wisdom and cosmic grid;

~ Receive Energy and Sound Healing while being in places of power, amplifying inner transformation, becoming true Creator and Light Warrior for planetary healing;

~ Experience latest Bio-Hacking Technology – healing with Light, Frequency, and Resonance, provided by forefront companies innovators Light Seeds & Light Mandalas


Brief Programme

Detailed Programme

DAY 1. CAIRO. Arrival

Upon your arrival to Cairo international airport you will be met by our representative, who will help you with visa formalities, then you will be transferred to the hotel. After checking in, you will have the first meeting with the Guides.

Individual Biomatrix Scan, which will provide an estimation of your health state by measuring your Heart Rate Variability in real time. This is done by placing both your palms onto two metal plates connected to our program. The information provided includes your Vegetative Regulation, Neurohormonal Regulation, Psycho-emotional State, Fractal Analysis, Gerontological Curve, Portrait of your Aura, Chakras Activity Map, and the Chart of the Meridians.

Overnight in Cairo.

Day 2. CAIRO. Sakkara Sound Healing Temple

CEREMONY: Balancing the feminine and masculine at Sakkara Sound Healing Temple, blissful Sound Bath

Breakfast at hotel. After breakfast – transfer to Saqqara. Ceremony at the temple. Lunch at Sakkara restaurant. Transfer back to hotel. Dinner at hotel.

Ascension Meditation with Light & Sound to prepare for a day and integrate the experience.

Day 3. LUXOR. Karnak and Luxor Temples

CEREMONIES: Karma purification at Karnak Temple. Infinite Soul: expanding beyond time at Luxor temple

Breakfast at hotel. Flight to Luxor from Cairo airport, transfer to boat. After lunch – Ceremonies at Karnak temple in the afternoon and evening ceremony with lights up at Luxor temple . Dinner on boat.

Day 4. DANDARA. Abydos and Hathor Temples

CEREMONIES: Chakras activation and Soul Alignment at Abydos Temple. Activation of Genetic codes at Hathor temple

After breakfast on board of the boat – visits to Abydos and Hathor temples for ceremonies. Dinner on boat.

Ascension Meditation with Light & Sound to prepare for a day and integrate the experience. Bio-Matrix Scan.

Day 5. EDFU. Horus Temple

CEREMONIES: Awakening the 3rd Eye & Merkaba – Heart’s Eye

After breakfast on boat – visit to Horus Temple. Lunch & dinner on boat.

Ascension Meditation with Light & Sound to prepare for a day and integrate the experience.

Day 6. KO MOMBO. Sobic and Khnum Temples

CEREMONY: Facing Death

After breakfast on boat – visit to the Temples. Lunch & dinner on boat.

Ascension Meditation with Light & Sound to prepare for a day and integrate the experience. Bio-Matrix Scan.

Day 7. ASWAN. Isis Temple


After breakfast on boat – visit to the Temple. After lunch – visit of Aswan town. Dinner on boat.

Ascension Meditation with Light & Sound to prepare for a day and integrate the experience.

Day 8. EL RAMADY. Abu Simbel Temple (optional)

CEREMONY: Light Empowerment

After breakfast on boat – visit to the Temple. After lunch – visit El Ramady island. Dinner on boat.


CEREMONY: Power of Water

Sailing via Esna lock to Luxor. On boat

Ascension Meditation with Light & Sound to prepare for a day and integrate the experience. Bio-Matrix Scan.

Day 10. LUXOR. Hatshepsut Temple and the Colossi of Memnon

CEREMONY: Inner Pillar Empowerment

Breakfast on boat, check-out. Visit to Valley of Kings, Hatshepsut Temple and the Colossi of Memnon. Transfer to airport and flight to Cairo. Dinner at hotel.

Day 11. CAIRO. Pyramids and King’s Chamber

CEREMONY: Awakening 4 Bodies: Spiritual, Physical, Mental, and Emotional

Breakfast at hotel. Private visit to the Pyramids and the Inner Chamber. Transfer to hotel and or airport for departure.

Bio-Matrix Scan in the end of the Journey to see the shift in state of Health

Your Hotel & Boat

Your Guides


Head of Universal Tao Center of Egypt

Founder of Light Mandalas Research Group, research in Light Codes Interfacing, creating bio-hacking equipment. Director of The Mandala Retreat. China Workshops facilitator to Grand Master Chia. Travel companion to GM Chia during research trips to China. Introducing and implementing CM Chia’s “Full Circle of the Tao” Teaching Initiative to China.

Facilitating: Country / Planetary wide meditative initiative groups;  Garuda Path Internal alchemy Mentor Dragon Gate Sustainable Community Development. Studied with Grand Master Mantak Chia since 1986, Universal Healing Tao Thailand resident Teacher, Healer and Director of Pakua Clinic 2000-2007. Appointed organizer to GM Chia’s private Office, Doi Saket Mansion. Present Director of the Universal Tao Centre of Egypt. Former Director of the Universal Healing Tao Centre of Toronto, Canada. Visiting Mentor: Jordan, Turkey, Kuwait, Tunisia, Romania, Slovakia, Italy, Switzerland, Thailand, Taiwan, China and Peru. Interests: Chess, Judo, Gungfu and Qi Gong. Master of Arts in Interpersonal Communication. (Trans personal Psychology.)


Head of Light Seeds, Indonesia

Researcher, inventor and healer. He has travelled and lived in many parts of the world, and have gained knowledge and wisdom from leading professors, doctors and teachers. He has a deep passion for technology, ancient wisdom, spirituality and has undergone the Nine Initiations in Egypt. He has a Masters in Psychology, is the international communications bridge for Light Mandala Company and a representative for the Centre of New Technologies.

“My mission is to continue to connect with like-minded individuals, create a web of conscious networks and develop the most advanced technology to help humanity.”

Lola Lhamo

Head of QUANTA’Hacking Centre & project www.Creators.Earth

Lola Lhamo has connection with yoga and energy healing from childhood. Life brought her meetings with wonderful teachers, Daoist masters, Indian yogis, and Tibetan lamas…

Lola helped building Enlightment Stupa at Roerich Museum, travelled with Tibetan lamas to India and Nepal to Buddhist monasteries and place of power, participated at World Congress on Psychology and Spirituality in India…

Lola learned the techniques of working with energy, sound and vibration from Tibetan lamas and other masters of energy healing and yoga, and after 25 years of practice she created QUANTA’Hacking Centre, integrating sacred practices of energy medicine, yoga, Qi Gong, mindfulness, sound and vibrational healing and latest bio-hacking tech.

Lola integrates knowledge of Himalayan Hatha & Kriya Yoga (RYT500h), Tibetan Mind Yoga and Neuropsychology, Pranayam and Meditation, Sound Energy Medicine and healing with the power of voice and Himalayan Singing Bowls, Qi Gong, Reiki (Master) and QUANTA Energy Healing, – transformational practices, reconnecting to our true nature, developing capacity to manage inner energy for healing and wholeness.

Lola manages Sound Energy Medicine Practitioners Association (SEMPA) offering Sound Therapy certified courses worldwide for yoga teachers and energy healers, psychotherapists and clinicians, enjoys merging latest scientific research in sound and vibrational medicine with sacred yogic knowledge. At the moment over 300 graduates around the world share Sound Therapy at hospitals, hospices, charity organisations for children and disabled, military, centres for post-traumatic support, in yoga and meditation classes, Reiki and other massage therapies.


Shared Room: USD 5055

Single Room: USD 5555


To get in touch and register for Retreat, please, fill in the form below or contact Lola Lhamo +62 812 39177823 (Bali & UK based) or QuantaCentre333 @ gmail. com with topic Egypt