We brought together Spiritual Masters, Technology Geniuses and Conscious Leaders to create truly unique Collective of bright hearts and minds, because transformation will occur only when we come together as One Family.
Meet our core Team members:

Lola Lhamo, Founder of QUANTA Bio-Energy Centre & New Earth Leaders platform www.Creators.Earth
An architect of innovative transformational projects and ambassador of conscious leadership. 20 years in international business consultancy, in conceiving and managing global strategy for projects in the finance, payments, telecoms, computing, FMCG, luxury goods, and healthcare sectors.
Initiator of idea of Corporate Social Responsibility integration to activities of leading companies.
Coaching on personal and professional transformation and team leadership.
Lola has connection with Yoga, Dao and energy healing from childhood. Life brought her meetings with wonderful teachers, Daoist masters, Indian yogis, Tibetan lamas, alchemists, and New Earth scientists…
Lola helped building Enlightment Stupa at Roerich Museum, travelled with Tibetan lamas to India and Nepal to Buddhist monasteries and place of power, participated at World Congress on Psychology and Spirituality in India… Currently deepening studies in Daoist Arts and Chinese Medicine in temple in Wudang, China.
After 25 years of practice Lola created QUANTA Bio-Energy Centre with mission of activation and integration of evolutionary leaders – Creators of New Earth.
Centre offers programmes merging spirituality & science, practices of QUANTA Energy Medicine, Yoga, Dao Qi Gong, mindfulness, sound and vibrational healing, spiritual coaching iCreate, and latest bio-resonance tech.
Lola integrates knowledge of Himalayan Hatha, Kriya & Yin Yoga (RYT500h), Buddhist Mind Yoga and Neuropsychology, EpiEnergetics & Coaching, Pranayam and Meditation, Sound Energy Medicine and healing with the power of voice and Singing Bowls, Daoist Medicine (certified Acupuncturist), Qi Gong & Cosmic Healing, Reiki (Master) and QUANTA Energetics – alchemical practices, reconnecting to our true nature, developing capacity to transform energy for healing and wholeness.
Lola also manages Sound Energy Medicine Practitioners Association (SEMPA), offering Sound Therapy certified courses worldwide for yoga teachers and energy healers, psychotherapists and clinicians, enjoys merging latest scientific research in sound, frequency & Bio-Energy medicine.

Dr Akmal Tobgy, Head of Universal Tao Center of Egypt, Light Mandalas Research Group
Founder of Light Mandalas Research Group, research in Light Codes Interfacing, creating bio-hacking equipment. Director of The Mandala Retreat. China Workshops facilitator to Grand Master Chia. Travel companion to GM Chia during research trips to China. Introducing and implementing CM Chia’s “Full Circle of the Tao” Teaching Initiative to China.
Facilitating: Country / Planetary wide meditative initiative groups; Garuda Path Internal alchemy, Mentor at Dragon Gate Sustainable Community Development.
Studied with Grand Master Mantak Chia since 1986, Universal Healing Tao, Thailand. Resident Teacher, Healer and Director of Pakua Clinic 2000-2007. Appointed organizer to GM Chia’s private Office, Doi Saket Mansion.
Present Director of the Universal Tao Centre of Egypt. Former Director of the Universal Healing Tao Centre of Toronto, Canada.
Visiting Mentor: Jordan, Turkey, Kuwait, Tunisia, Romania, Slovakia, Italy, Switzerland, Thailand, Taiwan, China, and Peru.
Interests: Chess, Judo, Gungfu and Qi Gong.
Master of Arts in Interpersonal Communication (Transpersonal Psychology)

Dr Alex Syrtsov, Head of Light Seeds, Indonesia
Researcher, inventor and healer. He has travelled and lived in many parts of the world, and have gained knowledge and wisdom from leading professors, doctors and teachers. He has a deep passion for technology, ancient wisdom, spirituality and has undergone the Nine Initiations in Egypt. He has a Masters in Psychology, is the international communications bridge for Light Mandala Company and a representative for the Centre of New Technologies.
“My mission is to continue to connect with like-minded individuals, create a web of conscious networks and develop the most advanced technology to help humanity.”

Alan Kavanagh, Head of Daoist Arts Centre, Ireland
With a lifelong passion for Eastern wisdom traditions that started in my childhood, I embarked on a journey that led me to immerse myself in martial arts disciplines such as karate, taekwondo, and muay thai. Later my focus shifted towards the realms of psychology and philosophy, alongside a diverse range of subjects, in a quest to comprehend both myself and the world around me. This pursuit ignited a profound yearning for knowledge and understanding, prompting me to leave my conventional job and pursue my aspirations.
At the age of 23, I made a pivotal decision to relocate to Thailand for a transformative period of study under a revered martial arts and meditation master. Subsequently, my path led me to China, where I delved into the teachings of a Daoist temple Five Immortals. The following 11 years I dedicated to the immersive study and practice of Daoist arts within the temple’s sacred confines.
Initially engaging in a comprehensive array of courses encompassing Tai Chi, Kung fu, Daoist Medicine, Feng Shui, and Internal Alchemy, I later assumed the roles of translator and instructor for international students partaking in the temple’s programs. Presently, I conduct workshops and provide services in these ancient arts within the vibrant landscape of Ireland.
My vision is rooted in fostering a harmonious fusion of Western and Eastern cultures, where mutual enrichment and support can flourish across all facets of existence. By bridging the profound insights of ancient wisdom with the advancements of modern science, I aspire to contribute towards the elevation of humanity and the collective well-being of our global community.
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