
See our special QUANTA Healing Offers below. You may choose to either:

RECEIVE QUANTA THERAPY: visit our centres around the world for Multidimensional Well-being Programme – for healing and wholistic transformation (see our Centres in London, Bali, Thailand, and Egypt). You can also join our individual or group RETREATS. Very often our guests and visitors become QUANTA Ambassadors, inspired by value they can bring into community with these tools.

BECOME QUANTA AMBASSADOR: simply order your own QUANTA tech and learn at our online platform how to use it at home, corporate office or at your healing centre. Visit our page TECHNOLOGY

We integrate latest bio-hacking technologies with ancient spiritual practices, including Chinese Medicine, Yoga, Qi Gong, Energy Healing, Sound Healing, and Spiritual Coaching, offered by best specialists in their field.

REVIEW of QUANTA Healing session


Sessions take place at our QUANTA Centre, London, Truro Rd, N22 8DH

If you would like to book a session at your home in London (zones 1-6), when choosing Service, add:

  • London zones 1-3 (+£33) or
  • London zones 4-6 (+£55)

If you would like to book a session in other areas, please, DM below to WhatsApp

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QUANTA Coaching + Bio-Resonance Light Healing

Unique Offer! QUANTA Coaching + BioResonance Light Therapy combined! All-in-One

Leadership for Creators of New Earth!

Live or Online session with founder of QUANTA Centre Lola Lhamo !

For proper Quanta Leap offering QUANTA session, integrating:

QUANTA Coaching (combining EpiEnergetics, Daoist and Yogic expansion & visualization practices) = alchemist foundations

BioResonance Light Therapy (can be shared distantly as well)

• Frequencies for manifestation of Soul Gifts

Life is greater than limiting circumstances.
Your energy state, more than anything else, manifests your emotions, thoughts, and actions — when you increase frequency and become energy powerhouse – everything becomes possible in your life, with grace realizing your soul gifts in community.

Through QUANTA session you will be able to access high frequency energy, and the wisdom that organizes it, to re-energize body/mind/spirit and create vibrant life.

We will also look into traumas/experiences that hinder access and natural flow of energy within your being, release energetic cords and low frequencies (entities).

Result: your frequency and power of manifestation will increase with your mind space transformation and energy boost. You will learn techniques of accessing more power within you and follow your Soul Gifts with integrity and wholeness.

Special Offer:
1 Session: £122 (can book multiple)
5 sessions: £555
Unlimited Monthly Support: £2222

Raise the Frequency! Manifest!
Together we create miracles